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Developing Digital Resources for science secondary education using newspaper information

Design and Evaluation of Digital Content for Education
© 2011 by IJCA Journal
Number 1 - Article 3
Year of Publication: 2011
Paula Costa
Isabel Chagas


The purpose of this paper is to describe a Digital Educational Resource (DEL) that was developed for the Portuguese 6th grade science education curriculum. The topic under study is the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and problem-based learning (PBL) is the pedagogical method for integrating the resource in the teaching-learning process. The resource described is part of a larger project dedicated to the design, implementation and evaluation of DEL for science literacy, enhancing science process skills, critical thinking, problem solving, and cooperative work. The criteria for the validation of this resource are focused on the content, pedagogical approach, linguistic and technical issues, values and attitudes. In this paper a description is presented about the design process of the resource, its implementation in two 6th grade classes of a middle-school near Lisbon, and the evaluation of the resource itself and its potentialities concerning students’ science skills learning. Results show the relevance of pedagogical methods such as PBL in science education, and its adequacy for DEL design, development, and curriculum integration.


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Activity Instantiation Model for e-Learning Engines

Design and Evaluation of Digital Content for Education
© 2011 by IJCA Journal
Number 1 - Article 2
Year of Publication: 2011
Jorge Torres
Eduardo Juárez
Jesús Reséndiz


In Learning Process Engines, a main concern is to deliver rich pedagogical learning scenarios. However current e-learning systems are not completely capable of handling complex role structures and learning activity flows. To solve this issue, an activity instantiation model based on role access control is proposed. This model is capable of ensuring the completeness of the learning flow for each learner, and it allows the learner and the professor to know and maintain control of her learning process and also to participate with other learners in team-based tasks.


  • Torres, J., Cárdenas, C., Dodero, J.M., Juárez, E. 2010. Educational Modeling Languages and Service-Oriented Learning Process Engines. In-teh.
  • Koper, R., Tattersall, C. 2005. Learning Design, a handbook on modeling and delivering networked education and training.
  • Dodero, J.M., Torres, J., Aedo, I., Díaz, P. 2005. Beyond descriptive EML: Taking control of the execution of complex learning processes. In Proceedings of the Multidisciplinary Symposium on the Design and Evaluation of Digital Content for Education.
  • Torres, J., Dodero, J., Aedo, I., Diaz, P. 2006. Designing the execution of learning activities in complex learning processes using LPCEL. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies.
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  • Torres, J., Juarez, E., Dodero, J.M., Aedo, I. 2009. EML learning flow expressiveness evaluation. In Proceedings of the Ninth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies.
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  • Ferraiolo, D., Kuhn, D.R., Chandramouli, R. 2007. Role-based Access Control. Artech House Inc.

Trends in e-learning standards

Design and Evaluation of Digital Content for Education
© 2011 by IJCA Journal
Number 1 - Article 1
Year of Publication: 2011
J. L Fernández
J. M. Carrillo
J. Nicolás
A. Toval
M. I. Carrión


International e-learning standards and specifications have been widely studied and developed for over one decade. The literature on e-learning standards and specifications consists of approaches, tools and empirical results which are gaining special attention in the last years. Two main contributions are made in this paper: (1) a survey of the international e-learning standards, specifications and organizations; (2) the results of a review which provide evidence that e-learning standards and specifications are reaching a state of applicability, while the topic of e-learning itself is the subject of increasing interest. Finally, the main potential e-learning standardization fields are identified.


  • González-Barbone, V. and Anido-Rifón, L. 2010. From SCORM to Common Cartridge: A step forward. Computers & Education, 54(1), 88-102.
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  • Devedzic, V., Jovanovic, J. and Gasevic, D. 2007. The pragmatics of current e-learning standards. IEEE Internet Computing, 11(3), 19-27.
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  • IMS Global Learning Consortium. Available at: http://www.imsglobal.org/
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  • Dagger, D., O'Connor, A., Lawless, S., Walsh, E. and Wade, V. P. 2007. Service-oriented e-learning platforms: From monolithic systems to flexible services. IEEE Internet Computing, 11(3), 28-35.

Design of learning activities to access web-based thematic dynamic resources

Design and Evaluation of Digital Content for Education
© 2011 by IJCA Journal
Number 2 - Article 7
Year of Publication: 2011
Carlos M. Cornejo
Iván Ruiz-Rube
Juan Manuel Dodero


In this paper we present a proposal of designing learning activities to dynamically provide thematic web resources enriched with linked data from a semantic repository. The approach has been implemented as a tool for Learning Activity Management System (LAMS) that provides an interface to automatically select the related resources that are to be delivered to students running a learning activity. It also enables teachers to share a variable set of learning resources and applications related to a given subject and postpone the resource delivery to the deployment or enactment of the course.


  • De la Fuente, L., Miao, Y., Pardo, A., Delgado, C. 2008. A supporting architecture for generic service integration in IMS Learning Design, in Proc. of EC-TEL, pp. 467-473
  • Dalziel, J. 2003. Implementing Learning Design: The Learning Activity Management System (LAMS), in Proc. of 20th ASCILITE, Adelaide, Australia, pp. 593-596
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  • Yueh, H. P. & Hsu, S. 2008. Designing a learning management system to support instruction. Communications of the ACM, 51(4), 59-63
  • Devedzic, V.; Jovanovic, J.; Gasivic, D. 2007. The pragmatics of e-learning standards, IEEE Internet Computing, May-June, 19-27
  • Geser, G. 2002. Open Educational Practices and Resources. OLCOS Roadmap 2012. Tech. Report, Salzburg Research
  • Torres, J., Cárdenas, C., Dodero, J. M., Juárez, E. 2010. Educational Modelling Languages and Service-Oriented Learning Process Engines, In Advanced Learning Processes, In M. B. Rosson (Ed.) InTech Pub, Vienna, Austria
  • Olivier, B., Tattersall, C. 2005. The learning design specification. In R. Koper, and C. Tattersall (Eds.), Learning design. A handbook on modelling and delivering networked education and training, Springer, pp. 21-40
  • Vogten, H., Martens, H., Nadolski, R., Tattersall, C., van Rosmalen, P., Koper, R. 2007. CopperCore Service Integration, Interactive Learning Environments, 15 (2), pp. 171-180
  • Dagger, D., O'Connor, A., Lawless, S., Walsh, E., Wade, V. P. 2007. Service-oriented e-learning platforms: From monolithic systems to flexible services, IEEE Internet Computing 11(3), pp. 28–35
  • Wilson, S., Liber, O., Jonhson, M., Beauvoir, P., Sharples, P., Milligan, C. 2007. Personal Learning Environments. Challenging the dominant design of educational systems, Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society, 3(2), pp. 27-38
  • Briscoe, G. and De Wilde, P. 2006. Digital Ecosystems: Evolving service-oriented architectures. In Proc. of Conf. on Bio Inspired Models of Network, Information and Computing Systems. IEEE Press
  • Dodero, J. M., Ghiglione, E. 2008. ReST-based web access to learning design services, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 1(3), 190-195
  • Conde, M.A., del Pozo, A., García-Peñalvo, F. J. 2011. Moodle 2.0, Nuevas oportunidades de aprendizaje basadas en servicios eLearning, Avances en Ingeniería del Software Aplicada al E-Learning, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, pp. 71-86
  • Dodero, J. M., Ghiglione, E., Torres, J. 2010. Engineering the life-cycle of semantic services-enhanced learning systems, International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 20(4), 499-519
  • Ebner, M., Klamma, R., Schaffert, S. 2009. Mashups for Learning, International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 5(1), 4-6
  • Cornejo, C. M, Ruiz-Rube, I., Dodero, J. M. 2011. Semantic Management of Digital Contents for the Cultural Domain, in Recent Trends in Information Reuse and Integration, Springer, Berling Heidelberg [to be published]

A Mobile Learning Application to Access Learning Objects

Design and Evaluation of Digital Content for Education
© 2011 by IJCA Journal
Number 2 - Article 6
Year of Publication: 2011
Ana María Fermoso García
Alberto Pedrero Esteban


The concept of learning object appears as a mean to improve the reuse of educational resources in digital format.The Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) is a common model for learning objects that makes easy the reutilization of educational contents between different systems. The objective of this paper is to show how an educational content in form of learning object packaged under the SCORM model can be viewed and accessed from a mobile device. This is very useful from the point of view of mobile learning (m-learning), where it is common that the materials created are very specific to a particular learning environment and it is unable to reuse them in other platforms different than those for which they were created. The application which implements these results is nowadays being used in a real environment by several e-learning companies.


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Learning Objects Searching based on Skills Development

Design and Evaluation of Digital Content for Education
© 2011 by IJCA Journal
Number 2 - Article 5
Year of Publication: 2011
Erla M. Morales
F. J. García-Peñalvo
Eduardo Díaz


Nowadays there are a large amount of virtual libraries and repositories of resources, where people can access and great variety of information in multiple fields of knowledge. One of these types of data is Learning Objects (LOs), which contain metadata to locate and recover them, according to the specific educational needs of users. Educational objectives are clearly oriented to skills development. Therefore, it is important to consider educational materials that promote their use. Due to the LOs characteristics as independent units that can be reused, we propose a guide to LOs design with the aim of developing these resources according to levels of knowledge required for competency development. In order to promote the learning objects management based on skill levels, we suggest that their metadata be cataloged by level of knowledge and competencies classification.


  • ADL 2005. Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative. Disponible en http://www.adlnet.org.
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Characterising the Reuse of Learning Objects in a Specialised Repository

Design and Evaluation of Digital Content for Education
© 2011 by IJCA Journal
Number 2 - Article 4
Year of Publication: 2011
Victor H. Menendez
María E. Castellanos
Alfredo Zapata
Manuel E. Prieto
Francisco P. Romero


Repositories of digital resources for education, in particular those that contain Learning Objects have been considered as important promoters of the reuse of such documents. The variety available tools that provide for publishing, searching and retrieving objects facilitate and encourage many of the management activities of Learning Objects. An analysis of the activities performed by users in a repository allow us to identify relationships and factors affecting the recycling of a learning resource, which can be useful in developing new management tools or improving existing ones. This paper presents the results of reviewing activities involved in the exchange of digital resources for education by the users of AGORA platform, a Learning Object Management System.


  • Chen, Shen, Wang and Chen. 2007. Collaborative Education Model and Its Application in E-learning. The 6th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2007), 856-860.
  • Mohan, P. 2004. Reusable Online Learning Resources: Problems, Solutions and Opportunities. Fourth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT'04), 904-905.
  • Segura, A., Menéndez, V. and Prieto, M.E.. 2008. Búsqueda y composición de objetos de aprendizaje. X Simposio Internacional de Informática Educativa SIIE (Salamanca, España, 2008), 335-340.
  • Wiley, D. 2002. Connecting Learning Objects to Instructional Design Theory: A Definition, a Metaphor, and a Taxonomy. Wiley, D.A. ed. The Instructional Use of Learning Objects.
  • Advanced Distributed Learning ADL. 2004. SCORM: Sharable Course Object Reference Model 2004 3rd Edition Documentation Suite.
  • Sarasa, A., Canabal, J.M. and Sacristán, J.C. 2009. Agrega: A distributed repository network of standardised learning objects. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 466-474.
  • IMS Global Learning Consortium. 2003. IMS Digital Repositories Interoperability - Core Functions Information Model Version 1.0 Final Specification.
  • Looms, T. and Christensen, C. 2002. Emerging and enabling technologies for the design of learning object repositories. Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative.
  • Ferreira-Satler, M., Romero, F.P., Menendez, V.H., Zapata, A. and Prieto, M.E.. 2010. A fuzzy ontology approach to represent user profiles in e-learning environments. in Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ) IEEE International Conference on, (Barcelona, Spain, 2010), 161-168.
  • Margaritopoulos, M., Margaritopoulos, T., Kotini, I. and Manitsaris, A. Automatic metadata generation by utilising pre-existing metadata of related resources. Int. J. Metadata Semant. Ontologies, vol. 3 (4). 292-304.
  • Zapata, A., Ferreira-Satler, M., Menéndez, V.H., Prieto, M.E., Olivas, J.Á. and Vidal, C.L. 2010. Un sistema de recomendaciones basado en técnicas de soft computing para el filtrado de objetos de aprendizaje. III Simposio sobre Lógica Fuzzy y Soft Computing LFSC2010, (Valencia, España, 2010), Grupo Editorial Gaceta, 295-302.
  • Cechinel, C., Sánchez-Alonso, S., Sicilia, M.-Á. and Mattos, M.C. 2010. Descriptive Analysis of Learning Object Material Types in MERLOT. Sánchez-Alonso, S. and Athanasiadis, I.N. eds. Metadata and Semantic Research, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 331-341.
  • Ochoa, X. and Duval, E. Quantitative Analysis of Learning Object Repositories. IEEE Trans. Learn. Technol., vol. 2 (3). 226-238.
  • Prieto, M.E. and Menéndez, V. 2009. Gestión Integral de Recursos para el Aprendizaje. in Prieto, M.E., Sanchez-Alonso, S., Pech, S. and Ochoa, X.S. eds. Recursos Digitales Para el Aprendizaje, Editorial UADY, Mérida, México, 27-33.
  • Catteau, O., Vidal, P. and Broisin, J. 2006. A Generic Representation Allowing for Expression of Learning Object and Metadata Lifecycle. Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, IEEE Computer Society, 30-32.
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  • Zapata, A., Menéndez, V., Eguigure, Y. and Prieto, M. 2009. Quality evaluation model for learning objects from pedagogical perspective. A case of study. International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2009), (Madrid, España, 2009), 2228-2238.

Specification of Learning Objects as Web Services

Design and Evaluation of Digital Content for Education
© 2011 by IJCA Journal
Number 2 - Article 3
Year of Publication: 2011
Jaime Muñoz
Francisco Álvarez
René Santaolaya
Olivia Fragoso
Josefina Guerrero
Juan González-Calleros


Nowadays learning objects are considered educational resources that can be employed to support learning. Combining these digital pieces of knowledge to design and develop online course is still a challenge. Some issues come from the heterogeneity of platforms, standards and instructional design it becomes difficult the maintenance, the access and the interoperability of learning objects. This work proposes to specify learning objects in terms of web services in order to mitigate these issues. The current proposal is intended to help in the maintenance and interoperability of learning objects from different sources, repositories and learning management systems. A case study presents a performance of current approach.


  • Vossen G. and Westerkamp P. 2003. E-Learning as a Web Service, Proceedings of the Seventh International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium (IDEAS'03), pp.242-247
  • Otón-Tortosa S., Ortiz-Baíllo A and Hilera-González J. 2007. “SROA: Sistema de Reutilización de Objetos de Aprendizaje”, IE comunicaciones, Revista Iberoamericana de Informática Educativa, No 5, 7, pp 7-22,
  • Ortiz-Baíllo, A., Otón-Tortosa S., Barchino-Plata R. 2005. Learning Objects Universal Publishing and Location Architecture using Web Services, Proceedings of the 1st Iberoamerican Congress on Ubiquitous Computing, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid (Spain), Edited by José R. Hilera González et al.
  • Canales-Cruz A. 2007. “Un Modelo Semiformal para el Desarrollo de Software Educativo”, Phd thesis, Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico City, Mexico.
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  • Solis-Moreno I. 2001. “Sistema de Búsqueda y Selección de Servicios Web”, Tesis de maestría del Cenidet, Asesorada por Fragoso O. y Santaolaya R.
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  • Muñoz-Arteaga J., Ochoa X., Calvillo-Moreno E. and Parra G. 2007. “Integración de REDOUAA a la Federación Latinoamericana de Repositorios de Objetos de Aprendizaje”, Proceeding of 2da. Conferencia Latinoamericana de Objetos de Aprendizaje, Santiago de Chile.
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  • World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), Available online at http://www.w3.org/TR/SOAP/
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  • Sánchez-Alonso, S., Soto, J. and Sicilia, M.A. 2008. Designing Flexible Learning Object Repositories: Balancing Flexibility and Delegation in Ontological Characterizations. In Harman, K. and Koohan, A. (Eds.), Learning Objects: standards, metadata, repositories, & LCMs (pp. 221-253). Santa Rosa, California: Informing Science press. Heras S., Rebollo M., Julián , Arguing About Recommendations in Social Networks, pp. 314-317.
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e-MIS Contents: Multimedia Contents for e-Learning Environments in Minimally Invasive Surgery

Design and Evaluation of Digital Content for Education
© 2011 by IJCA Journal
Number 2 - Article 2
Year of Publication: 2011
Luisa F. Sánchez
J. Blas Pagador
Patricia Sánchez
José Noguera-Aguilar
Francisco Sánchez
Francisco J. Pérez


This work describes the design and application of multimedia contents for web technologies-based training in minimally invasive surgery (MIS). The chosen strategy allows knowing the deficiencies of the current training methods so new multimedia contents can cover them. This study is concluded with the definition of three different types of multimedia contents accordingly to the development degree and didactic objectives that they present: Didactic resources are basic contents such as videos or documents that can be enhanced with contributions of users. On the other hand, case reports and didactic units have a defined structure. Didactic resources and case reports provide an informal training while didactic units are included in a more regulated training.


  • Usón J, Sánchez FM, Pascual S, Climent S. Formación en Cirugía Laparoscópica Paso a Paso. 4th Edition. Cáceres: Centro de Cirugía de Mínima Invasión, 2010.
  • da Luz Moreira A, Kiran R.P., Kirat H.T., Remzi F.H., Geisler D.P., Church J.M. et al.: Laparoscopic versus open colectomy for patients with American Society of Anesthesiology (ASA) classifications 3 and 4: the minimally invasive approach is associated with significantly quicker recovery and reduced costs. Surg Endosc. 24, 1280—1286 (2010)
  • Lazzarino A.I., Nagpal K., Bottle A., Faiz O., Moorthy K., Aylin P.: Open versus minimally invasive esophagectomy: trends of utilization and associated outcomes in England. Ann Surg. 252(2), 292—298 (2010)
  • Lee D.J., Kim P.H., and Koh C.J. 2010 Current trends in pediatric minimally invasive urologic surgery. Korean J Urol. 51(2), 80—87
  • Rodríguez JI, Turienzo E, Vigal G, and Brea A. 2006 Formación quirúrgica con simuladores en centros de entrenamiento. Cir Esp 79(6):342-348
  • Fowler DL. 2010 Enabling, implementing and validating training methods in laparoscopic surgery. World J Surg 34(4):621-624
  • Kahol K.M., Vankipuram M. and Smith M.L. 2009 Cognitive simulators for medical education and training. J Biomed Inform. 42, 593—604
  • Sánchez Margallo FM, Asencio Pascual JM, Tejonero Álvarez MC, Sánchez Hurtado MA, Pérez Duarte FJ, Usón Gargallo J, and Pascual Sánchez-Gijón S. 2009 Diseño del Entrenamiento y la Adquisición de habilidades técnicas en la colecistectomía transvaginal (NOTES). Cir Esp. 85 (5): 307—313
  • Chan B, Martel G, Poulin EC, Mammazza Jand Boushey RP. 2010 Resident training in minimally invasive surgery: a survey of Canadian department and division chairs. Surg Endosc. 24:499-503
  • Wallace T. and Birch D.W. 2007 A needs-assessment study for continuing professional development in advances minimally invasive surgery. Am J Surg. 193,593--596
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  • Medical Exchange Medting, http://medting.com/ - Cited 2011 March 21
  • Surgytec, http://www.surgytec.com/ - Cited 2011 March 21
  • Noguera Aguilar J.F., Burgos D., Gómez-Aguilera E.J., Sánchez-Margallo F.M., Albacete A., Cuadrado A., Gamundí A. and Asenjo E.2010 Proyecto TELMA. Entornos de Teleformación y Contenidos Digitales Multimedia en Cirugía Mínimamente Invasiva. In proceedings of the X Reunión Nacional de la Sección de Cirugía Endoscópica de la AEC.
  • Sánchez-González P., Oropesa I., Romero V., Fernández A., Albacete A., Asenjo E., Noguera J., Sánchez-Margallo F.M., Burgos D. and Gómez E.J. 2011 TELMA: technology enhanced learning environment for Minimally Invasive Surgery. Procedia-Computer Science Journal. 3, 316 – 321
  • Ruiz J.G., Mintzer M.J. and Leipzig R.M. 2006 The impact of e-learning in medical education. Academic medicine. 81(3), 207-212
  • Sanchez-Peralta L.F., Sanchez-Margallo F.M., PagadorJ.B., Moyano-Cuevas J.L., Noguera J.F., Sánchez-González P and Gomez-Aguilera E.J. 2010 e-MIS: e-learning and multimedia contents for minimally invasive surgery. Minimally Invasive Theraphy & Allied Technologies. 10(1), 29
  • Sánchez-Margallo F.M., Sánchez-Peralta L.F., Pagador J.B., Moyano-Cuevas J.L., Noguera Aguilar J.F., Sánchez-González P. and Gómez Aguilera E.J. 2010 Nuevas tecnologías en cirugía de mínima invasión. Encuesta sobre e-learning y contenidos multimedia. Cir Esp. 88, 223
  • Cabero, J., Gisbert Cervera, M. and Gisbert M. 2005 La formación en Internet: guía para el diseño de materiales didácticos. Editorial MAD, Sevilla
  • Larvin M. 2009 E-learning in surgical education and training. ANZ J Surg. 79(3):133-7.

The Transversality of the English Language in Engineer´s Training using ICT

Design and Evaluation of Digital Content for Education
© 2011 by IJCA Journal
Number 2 - Article 1
Year of Publication: 2011
Filiberto Candia García
Víctor Galindo López


This paper emphasizes the importance of implementing a second language and using technological resources in teaching. With the constant growth of technology, communication has had the need to advance to the point of creating environments that facilitate and sharpen this communication. Regarding to the implementation of a second language didactic sequences are taken into account. With these sequences what is intended is that students solve problems faced without the direct help of the teacher, so they can develop a critical thinking and learnt to work together. As result, evaluations will be done, and students who excel at these activities will be rewarded. The purpose of this essay is to create a different form of working, which not only benefits teachers, but students as well.


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  • SEP, Recuperated the 24/12/2010 in: http://www.cecyteo.edu.mx/Docs/ProgramasBasicas/Ingles.

Developing Digital Resources for science secondary education using newspaper information

Design and Evaluation of Digital Content for Education
© 2011 by IJCA Journal
Number 1 - Article 3
Year of Publication: 2011
Paula Costa
Isabel Chagas


The purpose of this paper is to describe a Digital Educational Resource (DEL) that was developed for the Portuguese 6th grade science education curriculum. The topic under study is the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and problem-based learning (PBL) is the pedagogical method for integrating the resource in the teaching-learning process. The resource described is part of a larger project dedicated to the design, implementation and evaluation of DEL for science literacy, enhancing science process skills, critical thinking, problem solving, and cooperative work. The criteria for the validation of this resource are focused on the content, pedagogical approach, linguistic and technical issues, values and attitudes. In this paper a description is presented about the design process of the resource, its implementation in two 6th grade classes of a middle-school near Lisbon, and the evaluation of the resource itself and its potentialities concerning students’ science skills learning. Results show the relevance of pedagogical methods such as PBL in science education, and its adequacy for DEL design, development, and curriculum integration.


  • O'reilly, T. 2005. What Is Web 2.0: Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software. Acedido em Janeiro, 2008 de: http://oreillynet.com/pub/a/oreilly/tim/news/2005/09/30/what-is-web-20.html.
  • Voigt, E. 2007. WEB 2.0, E-Learning 2.0, EAD 2.0: para onde caminha a Educação a Distância? Acedido em Janeiro 2008 de: http://www.abed.org.br/congresso2007/tc/55200750254PM.pdf.
  • Foschini, A.C., Taddei, R.R. (s.d.). Colecção Conquiste a Rede – PodCast. Acedido em Dezembro 2007 de:http://www.overmundo.com.br/_banco/produtos/1158005426_conquiste_a_rede_podcast.pdf.
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  • Ramos, J., Duarte, V., Carvalho, J., Ferreira, F., Maio, V. 2005. Sistema de avaliação, certificação, e apoio à utilização de software para a educação e formação. Cadernos SACAUSEF, (1), 21-44. Acedido em Fevereiro de 2010 de: http://www.crie.minedu.pt/files/@crie/1186584566_Cadernos_SACAUSEF_22_45.pdf
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Activity Instantiation Model for e-Learning Engines

Design and Evaluation of Digital Content for Education
© 2011 by IJCA Journal
Number 1 - Article 2
Year of Publication: 2011
Jorge Torres
Eduardo Juárez
Jesús Reséndiz


In Learning Process Engines, a main concern is to deliver rich pedagogical learning scenarios. However current e-learning systems are not completely capable of handling complex role structures and learning activity flows. To solve this issue, an activity instantiation model based on role access control is proposed. This model is capable of ensuring the completeness of the learning flow for each learner, and it allows the learner and the professor to know and maintain control of her learning process and also to participate with other learners in team-based tasks.


  • Torres, J., Cárdenas, C., Dodero, J.M., Juárez, E. 2010. Educational Modeling Languages and Service-Oriented Learning Process Engines. In-teh.
  • Koper, R., Tattersall, C. 2005. Learning Design, a handbook on modeling and delivering networked education and training.
  • Dodero, J.M., Torres, J., Aedo, I., Díaz, P. 2005. Beyond descriptive EML: Taking control of the execution of complex learning processes. In Proceedings of the Multidisciplinary Symposium on the Design and Evaluation of Digital Content for Education.
  • Torres, J., Dodero, J., Aedo, I., Diaz, P. 2006. Designing the execution of learning activities in complex learning processes using LPCEL. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies.
  • Erl, T. 2004. Service-Oriented Architecture: A Field Guide to Integrating XML and Web Services. Prentice Hall.
  • Torres, J., Juarez, E., Dodero, J.M., Aedo, I. 2009. EML learning flow expressiveness evaluation. In Proceedings of the Ninth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies.
  • Hollingsworth, D. 1995. The Workflow Reference Model - Issue 1.1. Technical Report. Workflow Management Coalition.
  • Holgado, C. 2010. Luces y sombras de la plataforma Moodle: Valoración y experiencia didáctica en lenguas extranjeras. In Proceedings of the Multidisciplinary Symposium on the Design and Evaluation of Digital Content for Education.
  • Ferraiolo, D., Kuhn, D.R., Chandramouli, R. 2007. Role-based Access Control. Artech House Inc.

Trends in e-learning standards

Design and Evaluation of Digital Content for Education
© 2011 by IJCA Journal
Number 1 - Article 1
Year of Publication: 2011
J. L Fernández
J. M. Carrillo
J. Nicolás
A. Toval
M. I. Carrión


International e-learning standards and specifications have been widely studied and developed for over one decade. The literature on e-learning standards and specifications consists of approaches, tools and empirical results which are gaining special attention in the last years. Two main contributions are made in this paper: (1) a survey of the international e-learning standards, specifications and organizations; (2) the results of a review which provide evidence that e-learning standards and specifications are reaching a state of applicability, while the topic of e-learning itself is the subject of increasing interest. Finally, the main potential e-learning standardization fields are identified.


  • González-Barbone, V. and Anido-Rifón, L. 2010. From SCORM to Common Cartridge: A step forward. Computers & Education, 54(1), 88-102.
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  • ISO/IEC Joint Technology Committee Subcommittee on Standards for Learning Education and Technology. Available at: http://jtc1sc36.org/
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  • IMS Global Learning Consortium. Available at: http://www.imsglobal.org/
  • SIF Schools Interoperability Framework Association. Available at: http://www.si_nfo.org/us/index.asp
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  • Röẞling, G., Joy, M., Moreno, A., Radenski, A., Malmi, L., Kerren, A., Naps, T., Ross, R. J., Clancy, M., Korhonen, A., Oechsle, R. and Velázquez-Iturbide, J. A. 2008. Enhancing learning management systems to better support computer science education. SIGCSE Bull., 40(4), 142-166.
  • Toval, A., Carrillo-de-Gea, J. M., Nicolás, J., Fernández-Alemán, J. L. and Toval, R. 2011. Learning systems development using reusable standard-based requirements catalogs In Proc. of EDUCON, in press.
  • Dagger, D., O'Connor, A., Lawless, S., Walsh, E. and Wade, V. P. 2007. Service-oriented e-learning platforms: From monolithic systems to flexible services. IEEE Internet Computing, 11(3), 28-35.

Design of learning activities to access web-based thematic dynamic resources

Design and Evaluation of Digital Content for Education
© 2011 by IJCA Journal
Number 2 - Article 7
Year of Publication: 2011
Carlos M. Cornejo
Iván Ruiz-Rube
Juan Manuel Dodero


In this paper we present a proposal of designing learning activities to dynamically provide thematic web resources enriched with linked data from a semantic repository. The approach has been implemented as a tool for Learning Activity Management System (LAMS) that provides an interface to automatically select the related resources that are to be delivered to students running a learning activity. It also enables teachers to share a variable set of learning resources and applications related to a given subject and postpone the resource delivery to the deployment or enactment of the course.


  • De la Fuente, L., Miao, Y., Pardo, A., Delgado, C. 2008. A supporting architecture for generic service integration in IMS Learning Design, in Proc. of EC-TEL, pp. 467-473
  • Dalziel, J. 2003. Implementing Learning Design: The Learning Activity Management System (LAMS), in Proc. of 20th ASCILITE, Adelaide, Australia, pp. 593-596
  • Ellis, R. K. (ed.) 2009. A field guide to Learning Management Systems, Tech. Report., Learning Circuits, American Society for Training & Development
  • Yueh, H. P. & Hsu, S. 2008. Designing a learning management system to support instruction. Communications of the ACM, 51(4), 59-63
  • Devedzic, V.; Jovanovic, J.; Gasivic, D. 2007. The pragmatics of e-learning standards, IEEE Internet Computing, May-June, 19-27
  • Geser, G. 2002. Open Educational Practices and Resources. OLCOS Roadmap 2012. Tech. Report, Salzburg Research
  • Torres, J., Cárdenas, C., Dodero, J. M., Juárez, E. 2010. Educational Modelling Languages and Service-Oriented Learning Process Engines, In Advanced Learning Processes, In M. B. Rosson (Ed.) InTech Pub, Vienna, Austria
  • Olivier, B., Tattersall, C. 2005. The learning design specification. In R. Koper, and C. Tattersall (Eds.), Learning design. A handbook on modelling and delivering networked education and training, Springer, pp. 21-40
  • Vogten, H., Martens, H., Nadolski, R., Tattersall, C., van Rosmalen, P., Koper, R. 2007. CopperCore Service Integration, Interactive Learning Environments, 15 (2), pp. 171-180
  • Dagger, D., O'Connor, A., Lawless, S., Walsh, E., Wade, V. P. 2007. Service-oriented e-learning platforms: From monolithic systems to flexible services, IEEE Internet Computing 11(3), pp. 28–35
  • Wilson, S., Liber, O., Jonhson, M., Beauvoir, P., Sharples, P., Milligan, C. 2007. Personal Learning Environments. Challenging the dominant design of educational systems, Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society, 3(2), pp. 27-38
  • Briscoe, G. and De Wilde, P. 2006. Digital Ecosystems: Evolving service-oriented architectures. In Proc. of Conf. on Bio Inspired Models of Network, Information and Computing Systems. IEEE Press
  • Dodero, J. M., Ghiglione, E. 2008. ReST-based web access to learning design services, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 1(3), 190-195
  • Conde, M.A., del Pozo, A., García-Peñalvo, F. J. 2011. Moodle 2.0, Nuevas oportunidades de aprendizaje basadas en servicios eLearning, Avances en Ingeniería del Software Aplicada al E-Learning, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, pp. 71-86
  • Dodero, J. M., Ghiglione, E., Torres, J. 2010. Engineering the life-cycle of semantic services-enhanced learning systems, International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 20(4), 499-519
  • Ebner, M., Klamma, R., Schaffert, S. 2009. Mashups for Learning, International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 5(1), 4-6
  • Cornejo, C. M, Ruiz-Rube, I., Dodero, J. M. 2011. Semantic Management of Digital Contents for the Cultural Domain, in Recent Trends in Information Reuse and Integration, Springer, Berling Heidelberg [to be published]

A Mobile Learning Application to Access Learning Objects

Design and Evaluation of Digital Content for Education
© 2011 by IJCA Journal
Number 2 - Article 6
Year of Publication: 2011
Ana María Fermoso García
Alberto Pedrero Esteban


The concept of learning object appears as a mean to improve the reuse of educational resources in digital format.The Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) is a common model for learning objects that makes easy the reutilization of educational contents between different systems. The objective of this paper is to show how an educational content in form of learning object packaged under the SCORM model can be viewed and accessed from a mobile device. This is very useful from the point of view of mobile learning (m-learning), where it is common that the materials created are very specific to a particular learning environment and it is unable to reuse them in other platforms different than those for which they were created. The application which implements these results is nowadays being used in a real environment by several e-learning companies.


  • ADL (Advanced Distributed Learning). 2009. SCORM 2004 4th Edition. Overview. Available online at http://www.adlnet.gov/Technologies/scorm/SCORMSDocuments/2004%204th%20Edition/Overview.aspx .
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  • Drire, Pirelli, Laurossy, Derick, Benghezala. 2006. What We Can fit in Mobile Learning Systems?. Proc. IMCL 2006. Amman, Jordan
  • IEEE Learning Object Model. 2002. Draft Standard for Learning Object Metadata”. http://ltsc.ieee.org/wg12/files/LOM_1484_12_1_v1_Final_Draft.pdf.
  • ILite. http://ilite.wordpress.com/2009/10/21/ilite-mobile-learning-for-the-iphone/.
  • Jan Herrington, Anthony Herrington, Jessica Mantei, Ian Olney and Brian Ferry. 2009. New Technologies, new pedagogies: Mobile Learning in Higher Education. Available online at http://ro.uow.edu.au/newtech/.
  • Moodle4Iphone. http://iphone.moodle.com.au/.
  • MBot. http://sos.tcea.org/index.php/corners/kens-korner/general/606-mbot-android-app-for-moodle.
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  • Moodbile. http://code.google.com/p/moodbile/
  • mPage. http://moodle.org/mod/data/view.php?d=13&rid=3806
  • MoodleTouch (mTouch) of iPhone. http://www.pragmasql.com/home/moodletouch.aspx.
  • Mobile Moodle (MOMO). http://www.mobilemoodle.org/momo18
  • Nigel H. Lin, Timothy K. Shih, Hui-huang Hsu, Hsuan-Pu Chang, Han-Bin Chang, Wen Chieh Ko,LJ Lin. 2004. Pocket SCORM. Icdcsw, vol. 1, pp.274-279, Proc. 24th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops - W1: NMSA (ICDCSW'04).
  • Polsani, P.R. 2003. Use and Abuse of Reusable Learning Objects. Journal of Digital information, 3 (4).
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  • W3C Architecture domain. Document Object Model (DOM).http://www.w3.org/DOM/

Learning Objects Searching based on Skills Development

Design and Evaluation of Digital Content for Education
© 2011 by IJCA Journal
Number 2 - Article 5
Year of Publication: 2011
Erla M. Morales
F. J. García-Peñalvo
Eduardo Díaz


Nowadays there are a large amount of virtual libraries and repositories of resources, where people can access and great variety of information in multiple fields of knowledge. One of these types of data is Learning Objects (LOs), which contain metadata to locate and recover them, according to the specific educational needs of users. Educational objectives are clearly oriented to skills development. Therefore, it is important to consider educational materials that promote their use. Due to the LOs characteristics as independent units that can be reused, we propose a guide to LOs design with the aim of developing these resources according to levels of knowledge required for competency development. In order to promote the learning objects management based on skill levels, we suggest that their metadata be cataloged by level of knowledge and competencies classification.


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Characterising the Reuse of Learning Objects in a Specialised Repository

Design and Evaluation of Digital Content for Education
© 2011 by IJCA Journal
Number 2 - Article 4
Year of Publication: 2011
Victor H. Menendez
María E. Castellanos
Alfredo Zapata
Manuel E. Prieto
Francisco P. Romero


Repositories of digital resources for education, in particular those that contain Learning Objects have been considered as important promoters of the reuse of such documents. The variety available tools that provide for publishing, searching and retrieving objects facilitate and encourage many of the management activities of Learning Objects. An analysis of the activities performed by users in a repository allow us to identify relationships and factors affecting the recycling of a learning resource, which can be useful in developing new management tools or improving existing ones. This paper presents the results of reviewing activities involved in the exchange of digital resources for education by the users of AGORA platform, a Learning Object Management System.


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Specification of Learning Objects as Web Services

Design and Evaluation of Digital Content for Education
© 2011 by IJCA Journal
Number 2 - Article 3
Year of Publication: 2011
Jaime Muñoz
Francisco Álvarez
René Santaolaya
Olivia Fragoso
Josefina Guerrero
Juan González-Calleros


Nowadays learning objects are considered educational resources that can be employed to support learning. Combining these digital pieces of knowledge to design and develop online course is still a challenge. Some issues come from the heterogeneity of platforms, standards and instructional design it becomes difficult the maintenance, the access and the interoperability of learning objects. This work proposes to specify learning objects in terms of web services in order to mitigate these issues. The current proposal is intended to help in the maintenance and interoperability of learning objects from different sources, repositories and learning management systems. A case study presents a performance of current approach.


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e-MIS Contents: Multimedia Contents for e-Learning Environments in Minimally Invasive Surgery

Design and Evaluation of Digital Content for Education
© 2011 by IJCA Journal
Number 2 - Article 2
Year of Publication: 2011
Luisa F. Sánchez
J. Blas Pagador
Patricia Sánchez
José Noguera-Aguilar
Francisco Sánchez
Francisco J. Pérez


This work describes the design and application of multimedia contents for web technologies-based training in minimally invasive surgery (MIS). The chosen strategy allows knowing the deficiencies of the current training methods so new multimedia contents can cover them. This study is concluded with the definition of three different types of multimedia contents accordingly to the development degree and didactic objectives that they present: Didactic resources are basic contents such as videos or documents that can be enhanced with contributions of users. On the other hand, case reports and didactic units have a defined structure. Didactic resources and case reports provide an informal training while didactic units are included in a more regulated training.


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The Transversality of the English Language in Engineer´s Training using ICT

Design and Evaluation of Digital Content for Education
© 2011 by IJCA Journal
Number 2 - Article 1
Year of Publication: 2011
Filiberto Candia García
Víctor Galindo López


This paper emphasizes the importance of implementing a second language and using technological resources in teaching. With the constant growth of technology, communication has had the need to advance to the point of creating environments that facilitate and sharpen this communication. Regarding to the implementation of a second language didactic sequences are taken into account. With these sequences what is intended is that students solve problems faced without the direct help of the teacher, so they can develop a critical thinking and learnt to work together. As result, evaluations will be done, and students who excel at these activities will be rewarded. The purpose of this essay is to create a different form of working, which not only benefits teachers, but students as well.


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